Childs right to be heard -seminar
Time: Friday 25.9.2015
Place: MaA 103, Jyväskylä University, Mattilanniemi Campus
Participants: professionals and students in different fields
Fee: no fee
Organizers: The Family Research Centre of the University of Jyväskylä and Haukkala Foundation
Language: English before lunch, Finnish after lunch
Registration: by Friday18.9.2015 to
Chair: Lea Pulkkinen, the Chair of Haukkala Foundation
10.00-10.10 Opening
Helena Rasku-Puttonen, Vice Rector
10.10-11.00 Why and how to listen to children? A child rights perspective
Professor Maria Herczog, Former member of the UN Child Rights Committee
11.00-11.50 Comments by the ombudsmen
Maria Kaisa Aula andTuomas Kurttila
11.50-12.50 Lunch
12.50-13.10 The perspective of a foster family
13.10-13.45 The perspective of the child rights lawyers
Suvianna Hakalehto-Wainio, associate professor, University of East Finland
13.45-14.20 The perspective of social work
Johanna Hietamäki, researcher, the National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki
14.20-14.50 Coffee
14.50-15.25 The perspective of child psychiatry
Andre Sourander, professor in child psychiatry, University of Turku
15.25-16.00 The perspective of psychology -emotional dimensions
Virpi Lahtiharju, psychologist in child psychiatry department of University Hospital in Helsinki
16.00-16.50 Panel discussion: How to advance multidisciplinary and multiprofessional training in child rights?
Chair professor Kimmo Jokinen
16.50-17.00 Conclusions
Professori Lea Pulkkinen